Become a flexible singer.
Many voice teachers don’t teach improvisation or even music reading. I do.
No matter the style, you need good vocal technique to prevent injury and to produce the sound and volume you’re looking for. You also need a skill called audiation— the ability to think and understand music before you hear it or perform it.
We will choose music together and work towards your personal goals, practice good vocal technique to avoid injury and create a more beautiful tone, and train in rhythm and tonal solfege to improve tuning and rhythmic accuracy. We will use solfege to learn to read music. Be prepared for wherever your musical journey takes you.
Youth Voice Coaching
9-15 years old
45 minutes per week, with a focus on vocal health, tuning, breathing and audiation. May be overlapped with a piano or voice student for ear training or ensemble work if appropriate.
Voice Lessons
One hour per week with me. Continued training in rhythm and tonal solfege, vocal health, and breath, plus more in depth work on vocal production, flexibility and control.
Sing and Play
Want to play piano, too? Add 30 minutes of piano for only $150/mo.
Each lesson includes “activity time,” in which students hear songs and chants in a variety of meters and tonalities and practice echoing fundamental musical patterns, moving with flow and rhythm, singing resting tones, and improvising with their voice (just as we do in piano lessons). All of this prepares us to sing with excellent rhythm and tuning. We also do structured improvisations of increasing complexity to build musicianship. We practice correct and healthy posture, breathing, and body position to reduce tension and sing with freedom. We spend time “warming up” the voice, which helps us to develop good vocal technique by repeating similar exercises at different vocal ranges. We also learn performance songs, which may be chosen by me or by the student.
Practice at home will include listening assignments, warm-ups (patterned exercises across the vocal range to improve strength, flexibility and technique), and repertoire practice (songs).